1. curesurv::dataweib
    Simulated data with vital status information from Weibull mixture cure model
  2. curesurv::pancreas_data
    Simulated pancreas data with vital status information
  3. curesurv::testiscancer
    Simulated testis cancer data using a cure model
  4. xhaz::breast
    Simulated clinical trial data with non comparability bias in term of individuals expected hazard
  5. xhaz::ccr.mevents
    colorectum cancer data with multiple events
  6. xhaz::dataCancer
    Simulated data with cause death information with non comparability bias in term of individuals expected hazard
  7. xhaz::rescaledData
    Simulated data with cause death information with non comparability bias in term of individuals expected hazard
  8. xhaz::simuData
    Simulated data with cause death information in long term follow-up setting without non comparability bias in term of individuals expected hazard